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Basic checkbox

Let users select one or more options by using the checkboxes component.

Basic checkbox example

Select all that apply.

Exemple de case à cocher

Cochez-la ou les cases appropriées.

Checkbox items with hints

You can add hints to checkbox items to provide additional information about the options.

Checkbox items with hints example

If you have dual nationality, select all options that are relevant to you.
including English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish

Exemple d'éléments de case à cocher avec des conseils

Si vous avez la double nationalité, sélectionnez toutes les options qui vous concernent.
y compris l'anglais, l'écossais, le gallois et l'irlandais du Nord

Conditionally revealing content

You can conditionally reveal content when the user selects a particular checkbox, so they only see content when it’s relevant to them.

For example, you could reveal a phone number input when the user selects the ‘Contact me by phone’ option.

Conditionally revealing content example

Select all options that are relevant to you.

Exemple de contenu révélateur conditionnel

Sélectionnez toutes les options qui vous concernent.

Smaller checkboxes

Use standard-sized checkboxes in nearly all cases. However, smaller versions work well on pages where it’s helpful to make them less visually prominent.

For example, on a page of search results, the primary user need is to see the results. Using smaller checkboxes lets users see and change search filters without distracting them from the main content.

Smaller checkboxes example

Exemple de petites cases à cocher

Basic checkbox with error

Let users select one or more options by using the checkboxes component.

Basic checkbox example

Error: Select options

Exemple de case à cocher

Erreur : Sélectionnez les options.